Monday, September 06, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

No camping trip would be complete without hamburgers and hot dogs...

...and s'mores of course!!

On Friday, John and I packed up the kids and the boat and headed down to Table Rock Lake in MO.  My mom met us there with her RV and we camped for the weekend.  I didn't know this but John has never been camping like this before.  Welcome to the world of camping, my love! 

Who knew that a 4 hour drive would take 6 hours?  When you take a minivan and throw in 3 kids and attach a boat in the middle of weekend traffic, I guess that is a formula for "ARE WE THERE YET" about 500 times.  Good times! 

The weather was beautiful.  We did get a sneak preview of the upcoming cold fall mornings.  Each morning started off a touch cool but by mid morning, our summer heat was back.  The wind joined us for the weekend which made for awesome tubing and horrible skiing.  I thought the wind made the water feel a tab cold and wimped out  in getting in the water by Sunday.  Well, that isn't entirely true.  I did get in after lunch but it was a 10 minute process of getting in the water inch by inch.  I am sure it would have made it much easier to just jump in but I was a total girl about it...

Everyone had their fun on the water this weekend, though.  John and I skied and everyone except Rebekah had their turn on the tube.  Yes folks, even Nana rode the tube.  (Brave soul)  She rode with Abigail and then with Hannah.  I think she even had a good time.  I got it on video!!  

Nana and Hannah getting ready to tube!

                    Here is the proof of Nana riding the tube!!

John and I thought it would be fun to ride on the tube together since we had another adult to drive the boat.  I wasn't sure if my mom would feel comfortable driving the boat but let me tell you....She about KILLED US!!  John and I innocently climbed on the tube and yelled go.  She totally gunned it.  I started laughing so hard.  We were going all over the place and got thrown off a few times.  I thought it was so funny b/c my mom seemed so innocent and yet she gave us a run for our money.  I had fun though.

The embarrassing moment of the entire weekend was when we launched the boat only to find out it wouldn't start.  Yes, that's right, totally floating in a boat with no running engine.  After much talk, we decided to paddle (thank goodness we had one) over to the marina and get some help.  John paddled us over to the marina.  Seeing as how it took us a while, they were totally watching us.  I figured they were thinking we had run out of gas.  Gee, I am not that stupid, right?  Well, once we arrived, the nice man caught the boat and tied it up.  We told him what was going on and tried to start the boat so he could hear what was going on.  He looked the boat over and then innocently said, "Is your Run Switch on?"

Well, DUH!!!  Are you kidding me?  You mean we sat there paddling for 30 minutes and all we had to do was hit the run switch?  Boy did we feel like idiots.  I guess that is part of learning.  Thank goodness there was nothing wrong with the boat.  It was just "Operator Error" this time.  Hahaha.  Never a dull moment in the Wagnon House.  If you come boating with us, just make sure you bring your paddling arms.  Never know when you might need them.  (Heehee)

Row, Row, Row your Boat....

Thank you Nana for letting us camp with you and Thank you John and girls for fun family memories!!

1 comment:

Linda Myers said...

It was a totally fun weekend. Even though I was a little nervous driving the RV that far alone, I made it fine. It was fun to have all of us together making family memories. I look forward to our next outting!!