Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dinner Co-op Day 5

Yesterday was day five of our co-op.  It was my turn to cook and on the menu was Poppy seed Chicken and fruit salad.  Poppy seed Chicken happens to be one of my favorite meals.  And typically when preparing meals for others,  I like to choose dishes that are on my top 3 list.  This would definitely be on  my top 3!!

I spent my morning at the grocery store buying all the ingredients I didn't have and then trashed my kitchen as I worked to prepare the meal.  I must say it was fun to dirty the kitchen in this capacity because for one, all the kids were in school and it was just me in the kitchen, and for two, the dinner at the end of it all was going to be well worth the mess.

As I excitedly served my girls their plates and sat down to join them for the "best dinner ever", I was greeted with the angelic voices of my children saying..."I don't like the soggy crackers.  I think they are gross" and "Why didn't you buy purple grapes instead" and my favorite "I don't like the yucky chips.  I only like the chicken."  (there weren't any chips in the meal) 

I have to be honest, my feelings were somewhat hurt by their negative comments.  And what made it worse was that this was a meal I have prepared a hundred times and they LOVED IT every other time.  (Maybe I am living in a parallel universe or something but can someone explain to me why chicken today and the same chicken tomorrow are two totally different things?  Hmmm, I just don't get it)

SOOO, Here is the verdict of the family...I am sure you will be shocked:
Kara:  I give it 3 thumbs up
Hannah:  "I like it mom but do I have to eat ALL the fruit salad?  I just like the apples and strawberries"
Abigail:  "I don't like the soggy crackers"
Rebekah:  "I don't like the yucky chips.  I only like the chicken"
John: still out of town.

I hope the other families enjoyed the meal but from the sounds of it, maybe this wasn't such a good pick of a meal.  At least it was my meal they hated.

On tap for tomorrow is:  Stuffed Shells and Apple Crisp!!

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