Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dinner Co-op Day 8

We are already in to our third week.  I am LOVING IT!!  Today was my turn to cook.  On the menu:  White Bean Chili and Sourdough Bread.  This recipe is easy cheesy to make.  Besides boiling the chicken, it is a "dump this and dump that and mix together and then let cook and you are done"

White Bean Chili with Sourdough Bread and a "Dollop of Daisy"
This is one of those "comfort foods" for me.  It just makes you feel warm inside and it is delicious to boot.

Kara:  Mmm Mmm Good!
John:  Love it!
Hannah:  "I want more cheese in it.  I can't even taste the cheese."
Abigail:  ""How much more do I have to eat to get dessert?"
Rebekah:  Totally cleaned her bowl and got a brownie and ice cream for dessert

Recipe for White Bean Chili:
48 oz white beans w/juice (1 jar or 3 cans)
2 cans chicken broth (about 3 cups)
1 large jar salsa -medium hot
2 c shredded cheddar cheese
4 chicken breasts-cooked and shredded

Mix together.  Heat 15 min on stove or 2 hours in crock pot!

1 comment:

Debbie Myers said...

This co-op deal is a great idea! Thanks for the recipes, I will definitely be trying some of them :)