Monday, September 13, 2010

Dinner Co-op Day 3

OOOPS!  Day 3 of our dinner co-op was last Thursday and here it is Monday and I have not blogged about it.  Our menu on Day 3 was pulled pork sandwiches with broccoli salad.  Unfortunately I do not have a picture of our meal b/c at the time the food was supposed to be delivered to my house, I was on my way to the hospital with my youngest who, at the time, had a suspected UTI.  (Good news, she didn't)  Anyway, so in the midst of the crazy chaos, I forgot to take a picture

I will, however, tell you that the dinner was fabulous.  The pork was prepared in the crock pot (I love my crock pot!) and as you know with most things prepared in a crock pot, the pulled pork was the dinner that kept on giving.  We managed to eat sandwiches on Friday AND twice on Saturday.  I did not mind though.  Who doesn't like a pulled pork sandwich covered in sweet BBQ mouth is watering:-)

The broccoli salad was good too.  It is a fun way to eat your veggies and it TASTES GOOD.  My two older girls at least took a bite of the salad.  I am not sure I understand why kids dislike all things green when it comes to food?.?.

The Verdict:
Kara:  I give it 2 thumbs up!!
Hannah:  "It was good"
Abigail:  "I liked it"
Rebekah:  "I want a chip"  (she's two, right?)
John: He missed out b/c he was out of town

Recipe for Pulled Pork:  (from Tricia)
I used 2 pork butt roasts and sprinkled on a seasoning I have called Savory Sensation  and put them in the crock pots on low all night.  Then lifted them out and chilled them all day, saving the juice in the fridge, too.  At 2:30, I pulled them out and stripped off all the fatty portions and the bones and put all the meat back in the crock pots.  I threw away the fatty layer off the juices, then added about a cup of juice, 1/2 a bottle of BBQ sauce, and 1 tsp of liquid smoke.   2 hours on high in the crock pot.

Broccoli Salad: (from Tricia)
2 – 3 heads of broccoli, cut into bite-size pieces
6 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
½ cup shredded cheese
½ cup sunflower seeds
Mix Together in a bowl

1 cup mayo or Miracle whip
3 Tbsp. Vinegar (any variety)
½ cup sugar
Stir dressing ingredients until smooth.  Pour dressing over salad right before serving

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