Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Dinner Co-op Day 2

This is Day Two of our dinner co-op.  Menu:  Lasagna and No Pudge Fudge Brownies.  (I added steamed corn on the cob to my meal)

Here is the verdict:
Kara:  I loved it
Hannah:  "I thought it was really, really good.  I liked the cheese on the lasagna the best"
Abigail:  "I love the lasagna, I love the corn, and I tried the brownies and I love them too"
Rebekah: "I want more brownies"
John:  He is in Colorado this week, so he is missing out on a good meal right now.

So, ideally when doing a dinner co-op, you would probably come up with recipes that are homemade family favorites.  I totally agree with this premise except for the fact that my family doesn't like my homemade lasagna.  They claim they don't hate it but that they like Stouffer's better.  Okay, so I guess I can't complain simply because throwing a frozen lasagna in the oven for 2 hours is MUCH easier than making it from scratch.

The brownies on the other hand were a little more difficult.  Honestly, the process of mixing brownies together is not that hard but for some reason, I am inept in the kitchen sometimes.  I poured the mix in a bowl and added the yogurt (super simple).  I then used my mixer to mix it altogether.  I sat the mixer to the side and then went to remove the beaters from the mixer.  Well OOOOPS, I totally hit the on switch and proceeded to fling brownie mix everywhere...including all over myself.  So I cleaned it up and went to make another mix.  Remember, I am doing everything in triplicate.  I did each step again and was going to take the beaters off again and wouldn't you know it, I hit the on switch AGAIN.  Jeepers Creepers Kara...and once again, I was wearing the brownie mix as was the wall, counters, and floors this time.  Oh well with trying to wipe it up...I just went to licking it up this time.  Gross, right?  Well, chocolate can make you crazy sometimes :-)

All in all, I had fun and would do it again.  Our next meal is on Thursday.  Stay tuned...on the menu:  Pulled Pork Sandwiches and Broccoli Salad!!  Bon Appetite!!

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