Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Netherlands

We got back from The Netherlands just over a week ago. We had a great time. While we were there, we went to Amsterdam and Holland. Amsterdam was quite interesting to say the very least. Everything I read about Amsterdam said that it was very liberal.....RIGHT....liberal is being very conservative! "Sweet Mary Jane" is legal there and I was shocked by the number of people smoking it. There were moments I thought, "this just can't be good for the unborn".

Anyway, despite the sex, drugs, and nudity that were ever so present, we managed to find our way to a different part of town and we went to The Anne Frank house. This was really interesting. We got to walk through the actual house where Anne Frank and her family lived in hiding from the Germans for over 2 years. It gives you a new found appreciation for your freedom.

Following our trip to Amsterdam on Friday, we headed into Holland on Saturday. We went to world famous Keukenhof Gardens. I don't think I have ever seen so many tulips in my life. It was BEAUTIFUL!. I guess there is just something to be said about the simplicity of a tulip...especailly when it is in a field of millions of tulips of all colors.

These are pictures from The Keukenhof Gardens.

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