Monday, April 16, 2007


For all of you American Idol can understand my excitement!! The girls and I were out running some errands last Thursday on base. It turns out that AI Season 4 finalist Anthony Fedorov was at the BX signing autographs!!! HELLO!!!! We got in line and got his autograph...actually, he gave Hannah and Abigail an autograph (apparently I don't count but whatever) We got to shake his hand and talk to him for a minute. The poor guy yawned the entire time...I can only guess from the jet lag...but he was very pleasant.

Now to clarify a few things...Anthony Fedorov wasn't my favorite and I didn't vote for him, HOWEVER, I was stoked to get an autograph from an AI finalist. It is something for the scrapbook. Where's the camera when you need it the most?

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