Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Netherlands

We got back from The Netherlands just over a week ago. We had a great time. While we were there, we went to Amsterdam and Holland. Amsterdam was quite interesting to say the very least. Everything I read about Amsterdam said that it was very liberal.....RIGHT....liberal is being very conservative! "Sweet Mary Jane" is legal there and I was shocked by the number of people smoking it. There were moments I thought, "this just can't be good for the unborn".

Anyway, despite the sex, drugs, and nudity that were ever so present, we managed to find our way to a different part of town and we went to The Anne Frank house. This was really interesting. We got to walk through the actual house where Anne Frank and her family lived in hiding from the Germans for over 2 years. It gives you a new found appreciation for your freedom.

Following our trip to Amsterdam on Friday, we headed into Holland on Saturday. We went to world famous Keukenhof Gardens. I don't think I have ever seen so many tulips in my life. It was BEAUTIFUL!. I guess there is just something to be said about the simplicity of a tulip...especailly when it is in a field of millions of tulips of all colors.

These are pictures from The Keukenhof Gardens.

Monday, April 16, 2007

...And that makes 3!!!

While we were on our trip to The Netherlands this weekend, Hannah lost her third tooth! I have been begging her to pull it out for over a week now and FINALLY it came out...or more like just fell out. She was eating a sandwich and bit into the sandwich and apparently she hit the tooth and it loosened it enough for her to just pull it right out. Her other tooth is loose as well. I am just wondering how long it is going to take for it to fall out. What do you think of her new smile? Kids...they grow up too fast!!!


For all of you American Idol can understand my excitement!! The girls and I were out running some errands last Thursday on base. It turns out that AI Season 4 finalist Anthony Fedorov was at the BX signing autographs!!! HELLO!!!! We got in line and got his autograph...actually, he gave Hannah and Abigail an autograph (apparently I don't count but whatever) We got to shake his hand and talk to him for a minute. The poor guy yawned the entire time...I can only guess from the jet lag...but he was very pleasant.

Now to clarify a few things...Anthony Fedorov wasn't my favorite and I didn't vote for him, HOWEVER, I was stoked to get an autograph from an AI finalist. It is something for the scrapbook. Where's the camera when you need it the most?

Monday, April 09, 2007


We had a good Easter. Here are a few pictures from our day.

Miss Abigail and all of her curls...they didn't last long but were cute while they lasted.

Hannah smiles for the camera. Can you believe how long her hair is?

Family picture in our backyard!!! The flowers are part of our neighbors' yard but they were just too pretty.

Friday, April 06, 2007

I'M Back...Finally

It is hard to know where to start since my last entry was about...oh...9 months ago. A lot can happen in 9 months and a lot HAS happened. Where in the world do I begin. I have to admit, my inspiration for getting back to my blog came from my friend Wendy. Apparently I was one of the ones who caused her to start blogging and then I just fall off the face of the cyber planet...sheesh...some friend I am. Anyway, I am hoping to get to my blog a little more often than ever 9 months. So here it goes...

In a nut shell, since my last entry...(in order)

My husband deployed
My dad passed away
My mom came for a visit to Germany over Thanksgiving
I missed my flight out of Frankfurt to go home for Christmas
I finally got another flight that put the girls and I in transition for over 24 hours...GRRR
All three of us got the stomach flu and missed our flight back home
Finally got to come home but had less than 24 hours before John came home from deployment
John came home (lots of tears)
We had house guests for 2 1/2 weeks in conjunction to John coming home
Everyone else in the house got the stomach flu
Went skiing in the Swiss Alps (BEAUTIFUL)
House guests leave
My grandfather passes away
Find out that I am pregnant
Decide to get out of the Military
And that pretty much brings you up to date...take a breath, crazy isn't it?

It has been quite the journey thus far and we are about to embark on another big journey with our move back to the states but in the midst of all of this, I have to say that God has been faithful. I am thankful for friends and family because without them, it would be impossible to make it through.

I am hoping to have a few pictures posted soon of our adventures in Switzerland. This next weekend we are headed to Holland to see all the tulips. I can't wait. Those pics should be gorgeous.

Well Wendy, I hope you enjoy reading. You are my inspiration to stick with this. I just hope you haven't given up on me. Talk to you soon.