Thursday, August 26, 2010


Today is the 4th anniversary of my dad's Heavenly homecoming.  This day is always met with lots of emotion.  In some ways, the passage of time has allowed healing and a lot has happened yet at the same time, the memory of this day 4 years ago still burns vivid in my mind as if it were yesterday.  I don't think I will ever forget that day. 

A few days prior to my dad passing away, I was able to spend some one-on-one time with him.  I had made him a journal of sorts....more like a story book.  As I opened the book and read it to him, my dad who had been somewhat in and out of conscious states for a few days was very much aware and became very emotional.  It was by God's strength I made it through.  As we cried together, some of the last words by dad spoke to me were "please don't let them forget me".  He was talking about my kids.  I made a promise to him and I have stood by my promise.  This one is for you dad!!!

This picture was taken last year.  I know the Hannah and Abigail were young when he died but I hope some day they will feel like they know him from stories and pictures.  Rebekah Danielle is named after him (Danny) and I pray she will feel a connection to him as well. 

Life is journey.  The last 4 years has been quite the journey for not only me but for my whole family.  I am speaking mainly about my sweet mom.  I love her more everyday because she is the strongest person I know.  I know how today makes me feel and I can only image how this must make her feel. 

      Mom, if you are reading this, I admire your strength and determination and your unfailing dedication to our Lord and Savior.  Legacy was very important to dad and you are continuing his legacy of keeping family number one!  Thank you for being who you are and most importantly for being my mom!

 Despite the rough times, GOD IS GOOD!  We may have lost my dad but he is NOT forgotten.  I will see him again one day on the streets of gold.  What a wonderful reunion that will be!!!  I Love you dad!!

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