Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's good to be back

Where to begin.  It is hard to know where to start bringing this blog up to speed.  A lot has happened in 3 years.  For starters, the little girl in the ultrasound picture is now almost 3.  She is as cute as a button and a genuine stinker.  I love my little Rebekah.  She calls me her "buddy".  She is so cute you could just eat her up, but this is the same precious child that got mad at me today and threw a ball and hit my head and proceed to lie about throwing the ball.  Oh the memories.

Our little Abigail is still...well....little.  She is in the first grade this year but she is not bigger than a minute.  However I stand by my claim that dynamite comes in small packages.  She is our little firecracker.  We are working on fattening her up but it doesn't seem to slow her down.  Abigail is our fashion conscience one.  She loves fashion and style and has enough shoes to outfit a small army.  Let me clarify something though...I did not buy her all those shoes...somehow she had inherited most of these shoes from friends.  I guess it pays to stay the same size for a while.

Hannah is in the third grade this year.  She is getting taller.  I figure it won't take much longer before we are seeing eye to eye.  Grrr.  They grow up too fast.  Hannah is our piano player for now.  You never know when you will find Hannah playing a song and Abigail singing to it.  Rebekah is usually around but she is somehow sabotaging the whole event.  Haha

John is working for a government contractor and really liking it.  He recently went through a company change but the adjustment has been good.  He teaches a LifeGroup at our church and refs Upward Football.  He is starting to train for a road race....distance tbd...but he just likes the discipline of training.  He NEVER turns down an opportunity to play golf and manages to keep most people in stitches.  Oh and he plays on the church softball team....and they are HORRIBLE. :-)

As for me, well you know, I am a mom.  Enough said, right?  I am keeping myself busy with different activities.  I am the MOPS Coordinator for the MOPS group at our church.  I am also an "Administrative Assistant" for the Preschool at our church.  That is just a nice title for "Newsletter Person".   I also enjoy sewing, quilting and embroidery.  I would love to scrapbook but the last time I touched a scrapbook was before my last blog sad.

Now with the fam updates out of the way, here is what has been going on over the last 3 a nutshell:
- moved back to Illinois from Germany
- Got out of military
- bought our first house
- had our third baby girl
- John got a job!  Shocker :-)
- experienced the loss of all our remaining grandparents (not at the same time) 3 total
- Have done countless home improvement projects (yet the house looks the same as the day we bought it) ha
- sent both Hannah and Abigail to elementary school. (wait as I wipe the tears)
- Abigail had kidney surgery
- Traveled to Washington D.C.
- Bought a ski boat
- got our last little one out of diapers !  PTL!!!!!
-and experienced the joy of watching our oldest daughter ask Jesus into her heart and follow in believer's baptism!
All in a 3 years work!!

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