Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Beer Anyone?

My mom and brother came to visit and while they were here, John and I took them to an authentic German restaurant for some Jaeger Schnitzel (two thin, breaded pork cutlets in thick mushroom gravy) and Croquettes (mashed potatoes shaped into a cylinder, encased in breadcrumbs, and deep fried) SOOOOOOO YUMMY!!!

While at the restaurant, my brother wanted to order some authentic German Beer. Not being the beer connoisseur, I told him he was on his own when it came time to order. He decided on a beer and was pleased with the taste when it came out. I have to admit, it looked rather tasty but looks can be decieving. Anyway, my brother offered a drink to all at the table(minus the kids of course) and he convinced my mom (who, btw, has probably never had a drink in her life) to take a sip....SOOO the following pictures are of my mother and her experience with tasting beer. I thought it was hilarious.

This is my mom just before taking a sip. Notice the smile on her doesn't stay long.

This is a picture of my mom smelling the beer. Apparently she thought it was awful...just wait until she tries it.

This is my mom actually tasting the beer. Prost Mom (that means cheers in German)!!!

And NOW the funny part. This is my mom's reaction to the beer. It is almost the same face as the one she had when she smelled it but I have to say this one is a little worse. I am still laughing.

But I can't end on that note so here is a picutre of our dessert. This was Apfelstrudel mit Eis (apple strudel with ice cream). Germans have great desserts and this one was exceptionally good.


Wendy said...

Eeeew! I'm with your mom; just the smell of beer is enough to keep me out of it. The dessert is another matter all together--I would be all over that! Fried mashed potatoes? I'm surprised that hasn't caught on down south; it sounds yummy!

Debbie Myers said...

Hahaha! Brett and his beer.... I try to have him kiss me on the cheek if he's had any beer to drink... but he doesn't listen... so I make that face often! At least your Mom gave it a try! Great pictures!