Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Little Graduate!!

Hannah graduated from Preschool on May 23rd. I guess this means I don't have all babies at home anymore. She is so excited to call herself a Kindergartener. The ceremony was really cute. Hannah's class recited the entire 23rd Psalm. I was really impressed. Hannah was the loudest one out there and she didn't skip a beat (allow me to brag for a moment). We got it on video. John and I have watched it several times and laughed everytime because kids are just so funny when they are on stage. Hannah's teacher gave each student a certificate that said what she thought each kid would be when they grew up. Hannah was the future librarian. I can see her in this profession because of her love for books. (Her Nana was very happy to hear this).

Anyway, I wish I had better pictures but I was bound to the balcony of the church because Abigail was sick but I didn't want to miss the ceremony. SOOO, most of my pictures didn't turn out well because my zoom wasn't working correctly. Figures, Right?

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