Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Little Graduate!!

Hannah graduated from Preschool on May 23rd. I guess this means I don't have all babies at home anymore. She is so excited to call herself a Kindergartener. The ceremony was really cute. Hannah's class recited the entire 23rd Psalm. I was really impressed. Hannah was the loudest one out there and she didn't skip a beat (allow me to brag for a moment). We got it on video. John and I have watched it several times and laughed everytime because kids are just so funny when they are on stage. Hannah's teacher gave each student a certificate that said what she thought each kid would be when they grew up. Hannah was the future librarian. I can see her in this profession because of her love for books. (Her Nana was very happy to hear this).

Anyway, I wish I had better pictures but I was bound to the balcony of the church because Abigail was sick but I didn't want to miss the ceremony. SOOO, most of my pictures didn't turn out well because my zoom wasn't working correctly. Figures, Right?

Hannah loses another tooth!

Since losing her first top tooth, we have been working on trying to lose the second one. HOWEVER, Hannah didn't seem to be in any type of hurry. When my mom and brother came to visit, my mom bought her some candy and told her she could eat it once she lost her tooth. With a "little" help from me, we managed to get that tooth out before my mom had to fly home.

She has a sweet little smile and it is quite funny to watch her eat and listen to her talk.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Beer Anyone?

My mom and brother came to visit and while they were here, John and I took them to an authentic German restaurant for some Jaeger Schnitzel (two thin, breaded pork cutlets in thick mushroom gravy) and Croquettes (mashed potatoes shaped into a cylinder, encased in breadcrumbs, and deep fried) SOOOOOOO YUMMY!!!

While at the restaurant, my brother wanted to order some authentic German Beer. Not being the beer connoisseur, I told him he was on his own when it came time to order. He decided on a beer and was pleased with the taste when it came out. I have to admit, it looked rather tasty but looks can be decieving. Anyway, my brother offered a drink to all at the table(minus the kids of course) and he convinced my mom (who, btw, has probably never had a drink in her life) to take a sip....SOOO the following pictures are of my mother and her experience with tasting beer. I thought it was hilarious.

This is my mom just before taking a sip. Notice the smile on her face....it doesn't stay long.

This is a picture of my mom smelling the beer. Apparently she thought it was awful...just wait until she tries it.

This is my mom actually tasting the beer. Prost Mom (that means cheers in German)!!!

And NOW the funny part. This is my mom's reaction to the beer. It is almost the same face as the one she had when she smelled it but I have to say this one is a little worse. I am still laughing.

But I can't end on that note so here is a picutre of our dessert. This was Apfelstrudel mit Eis (apple strudel with ice cream). Germans have great desserts and this one was exceptionally good.

...Like a child sleeping

Even at 3 1/2, Abigail still looks so sweet when she sleeps. On the rare occasion she actually slows down enough to fall asleep, I love to witness this event and take a picture.