Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It's ME Again

It has been a while since my last posting. I guess life just gets busy(lame excuse, I know) but there has been a lot of "stuff" lately. Wendy, I am writing this blog entry in honor of you. You will have to let me know how I am doing.

Well, lets play catch up. Since my last entry,
-My furniture arrived
-I spent the next few weeks unpacking and situating.
-John went TDY for 8 days in the midst of putting our house together
-My little dachshund, Spencer, ran away and as of today is still missing in Illinois somewhere
-both of my children decided it would be fun to get the stomach flu and throw up (have I mentioned how much I hate to clean up puke)
-found out my husband will be deploying in September AND he will be missing all holidays and both of the girls' birthdays
-And to top it off, I now have the flu.

That is just the highlights of the past month and a half. All in all, we are doing well. John and I have daily discussions about what we need to get done before he has to leave for 4 months. It is the annoying things like buying new tires for the car that frustrates me. I know I am very capable of buying tires but it all boils down to the fact that "I just don't WANT to."

Unfortunately, I have not been able to scrapbook since moving here. I do, however have my own scrapbooking area in my house. I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of lonely nights scrapbooking.

A new hobby of mine is sewing. John bought me a new sewing maching for my birthday. It has the ability to do embroidery too. I have been taking classes on how to use my machine. I am excited about the possibilities of things I can do with it. (No more bad birthday and Christmas presents)

Well Wendy, until the next entry, I will be here in Germany, enjoying the 95 degree weather with no airconditioning and waiting for a response from you. :-)

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