Monday, July 31, 2006

We have finally caught a break

I am happy to report that the temperature has significantly dropped over the last few days. The temperature reading right now is 75.7 degrees...down from the 95 and 97 degree days last week. I never thought I would be so happy to see rain but I say BRING IT ON!!!! In stead of singing "Rain, Rain, Go Away" it now goes something like this..."Rain, Rain, please stay, come again on Tuesday!"

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

To Braid or Not to Braid

I have just learned how to french braid. I have been practicing on Hannah each night after her bath (much to her dismay). Abigail's hair is still too short for me to braid but hopefully by the time her hair is long enough, I will be able to braid really well and really fast.

From the Beautiful Alps in Garmisch Germany

I thought everyone might like to see a few pictures of our latest journey. Over the 4th of July, we went to Garmisch, Germany and stayed at a military resort called Edelweiss Resort and Lodge. This is the view from our balcony. The scenery was BEAUTIFUL.

This is a picture of the Neuschwanstein Castle aka Cinderella's Castle. The inside of the castle was amazing but the view was even more spectacular.

You are probably wondering why I would put this picture in here. It is a picture of the Germany/Austria border. Unfortunately, we didn't get a stamp in our passport but at least I can say I have been to Austria.

It's ME Again

It has been a while since my last posting. I guess life just gets busy(lame excuse, I know) but there has been a lot of "stuff" lately. Wendy, I am writing this blog entry in honor of you. You will have to let me know how I am doing.

Well, lets play catch up. Since my last entry,
-My furniture arrived
-I spent the next few weeks unpacking and situating.
-John went TDY for 8 days in the midst of putting our house together
-My little dachshund, Spencer, ran away and as of today is still missing in Illinois somewhere
-both of my children decided it would be fun to get the stomach flu and throw up (have I mentioned how much I hate to clean up puke)
-found out my husband will be deploying in September AND he will be missing all holidays and both of the girls' birthdays
-And to top it off, I now have the flu.

That is just the highlights of the past month and a half. All in all, we are doing well. John and I have daily discussions about what we need to get done before he has to leave for 4 months. It is the annoying things like buying new tires for the car that frustrates me. I know I am very capable of buying tires but it all boils down to the fact that "I just don't WANT to."

Unfortunately, I have not been able to scrapbook since moving here. I do, however have my own scrapbooking area in my house. I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of lonely nights scrapbooking.

A new hobby of mine is sewing. John bought me a new sewing maching for my birthday. It has the ability to do embroidery too. I have been taking classes on how to use my machine. I am excited about the possibilities of things I can do with it. (No more bad birthday and Christmas presents)

Well Wendy, until the next entry, I will be here in Germany, enjoying the 95 degree weather with no airconditioning and waiting for a response from you. :-)