Saturday, June 02, 2007


Here is our latest picture of the newest member of the Wagnon family. This is Rebekah Danielle. She should be arriving around October 11th. She is looking healthy and growing well. According to the ultrasound tech, she is measuring exactly where she should be. She has 10 fingers and 10 toes and apparently is a future gymnast. She was folded in half most of the time with her feet by her head. I understand that as the baby gets bigger, it doesn't have as much room to move around and being folded in half is somewhat of a necessity HOWEVER when you are only 13 ounces and about 11 inches long, what is the point? I guess she just enjoys being flexible. She is currently in a breech position but that is not much of a concern at this point because she has another 19 weeks to flip. God is good and we are very thankful for this healthy little girl!!!