Sunday, June 04, 2006

We are in Germany!!

Well, it has been almost 6 weeks since we moved to Germany. In some ways the time has gone by really fast and in others it has gone by really slow. We are starting to feel a bit more settled than when we first got here.

As of today 6/4/06, we finally have phone and internet connection. We actually got all of it hooked up a few days ago but we have been waiting for over 5 weeks. It is very nice to be connected again.

This week our van arrived. It has been a little difficult to work around schedules with one car. I now have a new found freedom and don't have to be stuck at home all day.

We are loving the beauty of the country. The weather leaves something to be desired but on the overall, it is nice. Germans keep things very clean and neat. I could get used to this.

Anyway, this is my first entry in my blog and I am just trying it out right now. I am going to try to keep things posted often and hopefully I can figure out how to post pictures.